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Differentiated comparison of the effect of articaine in pulpal and soft tissue anesthesia depending on the concentration of the vasoconstrictor epinephrine using infraorbital nerve block

Laufzeit: 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2015


A comparison of the efficacy of a local anesthetic used in dentistry, Articaine, depending on the added epinephrine concentration concerning onset, depth and length of dental pulp and soft tissue anesthesia. Dental pulp anesthesia will be objectified by using an electronic pulp tester, soft tissue anesthesia will be rated by the subjects. The infraorbital nerve block being the used injection technique, it will affect the anterior teeth and premolars of the upper jaw as well as the soft tissue...A comparison of the efficacy of a local anesthetic used in dentistry, Articaine, depending on the added epinephrine concentration concerning onset, depth and length of dental pulp and soft tissue anesthesia. Dental pulp anesthesia will be objectified by using an electronic pulp tester, soft tissue anesthesia will be rated by the subjects. The infraorbital nerve block being the used injection technique, it will affect the anterior teeth and premolars of the upper jaw as well as the soft tissue of palate, cheek and upper lip of the injection side. As a feasibility study,  we try to evaluate the infraorbital nerve block as a standardized method for clinical trials concerning nerve block anesthesia.
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