114114 Treffer
Hochschule Worms
Universität Koblenz
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Hochschule Kaiserslautern
Hochschule Trier
Hochschule Koblenz
Hochschule Mainz
- Hinze, Michael
- On the numerical approximation and computation of minimal surface continua bounded by one-parameter families of polygonal contours
- Applied Numerical Mathematics. Bd. 25. H. 1. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1997 S. 89 - 116
- Hinze, Michael; Kunisch, Karl
- Control Strategies for Fluid Flows - Optimal versus Suboptimal Control
- Hans Georg Bock; Guido Kanschat; Rolf Rannacher; Franco Brezzi; Roland Glowinski; Yuri A. Kuznetsov; Jacques Periaux (Hrsg). ENUMATH 97: 2nd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications: Heidelberg, Germany 28 September to 3 October 1997. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing 1998 S. 351 - 358
- Hinze, Michael; Kunisch, Karl
- Suboptimal Control of Fluid Flows
- Peter Kischka; Hans-Walter Lorenz; Ulrich Derigs; Wolfgang Domschke; Peter Kleinschmidt; Rolf Möhring (Hrsg). Operations Research Proceedings 1997: Selected Papers of the Symposium on Operations Research (SOR’97) Jena, September 3–5, 1997. Berlin: Springer 1998 S. 182 - 187
- Hinze, Michael; Kunisch, Karl
- On suboptimal control strategies for the Navier-Stokes equations
- ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys. Bd. 4. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences 1998 S. 181 - 198
- Hinze, Michael; Kauffmann, Andreas
- Reduced order modeling and suboptimal control of a solid fuel ignition model
- Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin 1999 S. 1 - 26
- Hinze, Michael; Kauffmann, Andreas
- On a Distributed Control Law with an Application to the Control of Unsteady Flow around a Cylinder
- Karl-Heinz Hoffmann; Günter Leugering; Fredi Tröltzsch (Hrsg). Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations: International Conference in Chemnitz, Germany, April 20-25, 1998. Basel: Birkhäuser 1999 S. 177 - 190
- Choi, Haecheon; Hinze, Michael; Kunisch, Karl
- Instantaneous control of backward-facing step flows
- Applied Numerical Mathematics. Bd. 31. H. 2. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1999 S. 133 - 158
- Hinze, Michael; Kunisch, Karl
- Newton's Method for Tracking Type Control of the Instationary Navier-Stokes Equations
- Pekka Neittaanmäki; Timo Tiihonen; Pasi Tarvainen (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH99 which was held from July 26 to July 30, 1999, at the University of Jyväskylä. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing 2000 S. 534 - 541
- Hinze, Michael; Kunisch, Karl
- Three Control Methods for Time-Dependent Fluid Flow
- Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Bd. 65. H. 3-4. Dordrecht: Springer 2000 S. 273 - 298
- Hinze, Michael
- Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen für Ingenieure
- Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin 2001 S. 1 - 103