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466 Treffer

× Publikationen
× < 2021
× Hochschule Kaiserslautern
× Theologische Fakultät Trier

  • Gaß, Erasmus
  • Art. Gefährdung
  • Fieger, M.; Krispenz, J.; Lanckau, J. (Hrsg). Wörterbuch alttestamentlicher Motive. Darmstadt: WBG 2013 S. 182 - 185 978-3-534-24681-6

  • Leidinger, Tobias; Spassova, Lübomira; Arens, Andreas et al.
  • MoFIS
  • Proceedings of the companion publication of the 2013 international conference on Intelligent user interfaces companion (IUI '13 Companion). New York, NY: ACM Press 2013

  • Zeihsel, Frank; Thurnes, Christian M.; Visnepolshi, Svetlana
  • Smart Failure and Risk Analysis in Complex Systems
  • Posterpräsentation im Rahmen der 3rd International Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management; Paris, 12.-14. Dezember 2012. Paris. 2012

  • Zeihsel, Frank; Thurnes, Christian M.; Visneposchi, Svetlana
  • New Risk Assessment for Innovation Management
  • ISPIM - International Society for Professional Innovation Management (Hrsg). Proceedings of The XXIII ISPIM Conference 2012 Barcelona, Spain - 17-20 June 2012. Barcelona. 2012