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32078 Treffer

× Katholische Hochschule Mainz
× Hochschule Kaiserslautern
× Universität Trier
× Universität Koblenz

  • Fischer, Eberhard; Frey, Wolfgang
  • Pinopsida (Gymnosperms, Gymnospermopsida, Gymnospermae)
  • Eberhard Fischer; Wolfgang Frey; Inge Theisen (Hrsg). Syllabus of Plant Families - Adolf Engler’s Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien: Part 4; Pinopsida (Gymnosperms), Magnoliopsida (Angiosperms) p.p.: Subclass Magnoliidae [Amborellanae to Magnolianae, Lilianae p.p. (Acorales to Asparagales)]. Orchidaceae. 13th Edition. Aufl. Stuttgart: Borntraeger Science Publishers 2015 S. 6 - 110

  • Bohnet, Alexandra; Hampe, J. Felix
  • Applying Biometrics in Customer Relationship Management
  • Petra Schubert; Daniel Risch (Hrsg). Proceedings of the CollECTeR Europe 2006 Conference: Basel, Switzerland; June 9-10, 2006. Basel: University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Institute for Business Economics 2006 S. 249 - 260