88896 Treffer
Hochschule Mainz
Hochschule Worms
Technische Hochschule Bingen
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
- Kulkarni, Shailesh S.; Francas, David
- Capacity investment and the value of operational flexibility in manufacturing systems with product blending
- International Journal of Production Research. Bd. 56. H. 10. Informa UK Limited 2017 S. 3563 - 3589

- ExGOER: Explorative OERs im Bereich Computergrafik und VR
- Wiebel, Alexander; Böhm, Klaus; Mehler-Bicher, Anett; Püschel, Fabian; Stockemer, Julian; Diller, Florian; (2023)

- SkillXR
- Wiebel, Alexander; Diller, Florian; (2023 - 2024)
- Gronau, Werner; Große Hokamp, Jana; Scherhag, Knut
- Motorcycle Tourism and Sustainability
- Farmaki, Anna; Singh, Pramendra; Hassan, Viana (Hrsg). Niche Tourism and Sustainability. 1. Aufl. Oxfordshire: CABI 2025 S. 25 - 37

- Prof. Dr. Knut Scherhag
- Hochschule Worms