44484 Treffer
Universität Koblenz
Hochschule Worms
Hochschule Koblenz
Theologische Fakultät Trier
Universität Trier
- Hinze, Michael; Kahle, Christian
- Model Predictive Control of two-phase flow using a diffuse interface approach
- Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Bd. 14. H. 1. Weinheim: Wiley 2014 S. 731 - 732
- Garcke, Harald; Hinze, Michael; Kahle, Christian
- Optimal control of time discrete two-phase flow governed by a diffuse interface model
- Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Bd. 16. H. 1. Weinheim: Wiley 2016 S. 785 - 786
- Hinze, Michael; Kaltenbacher, Barbara; Quyen, Tran Nhan Tam
- Identifying conductivity in electrical impedance tomography with total variation regularization
- Numerische Mathematik. Bd. 138. H. 3. Berlin: Springer 2018 S. 723 - 765
- Alla, Alessandro; Grässle, Carmen; Hinze, Michael
- A posteriori snapshot location for POD in optimal control of linear parabolic equations
- ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. Bd. 52. H. 5. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences 2018 S. 1847 - 1873
- Benner, Peter; Herzog, Roland; Hinze, Michael et al.
- Introduction to the special issue for EUCCO 2013
- Computational Optimization and Applications. Bd. 62. H. 1. New York, NY: Springer 2015 S. 1 - 3
- Hinze, Michael; Pinnau, René
- Mathematical tools in optimal semiconductor design
- Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Bd. 2. H. 2. Taipei: Academia Sinica 2007 S. 569 - 586
- Hinze, Michael; Köcher, Ralf; Pfafferott, Jens
- Zur numerischen Simulation von Wärmenetzen = On the numerical simulation of thermal networks
- Forschung im Ingenieurwesen. Bd. 62. H. 11-12. Berlin: Springer 1996 S. 301 - 314
- Hinze, Michael
- On the Numerical Treatment of Quasiminimal Surfaces
- Impact of Computing in Science and Engineering. Bd. 5. H. 4. London: Academic Press 1993 S. 249 - 270
- Bärwolff, Günter; Hinze, Michael
- Optimization of a thermal coupled flow problem
- WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics. Bd. 3. H. 4. Athen: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society 2004 S. 794 - 800
- Garcke, Harald; Hecht, Claudia; Hinze, Michael et al.
- Shape optimization for surface functionals in Navier-Stokes flow using a phase field approach
- Interfaces and Free Boundaries. Bd. 18. H. 2. Zürich: European Mathematical Society 2016 S. 219 - 261