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26667 Treffer

× Universität Koblenz
× Hochschule Trier
× Technische Hochschule Bingen
× Theologische Fakultät Trier

  • Hardy, Catherine A.; Williams, Susan P.
  • Strategic Change
  • Public e-procurement as Socio-Technical Change. Bd. 14. H. 5. 2005 S. 273 - 281

  • Ehrig, Marc; Staab, Steffen; Sure, York
  • Bootstrapping ontology alignment methods with APFEL
  • Allan Ellis;Tatsuya Hagino;Fred Douglis;Prabhakar Raghavan (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2005, Chiba, Japan, May 10-14, 2005 - Special interest tracks and posters. New York, NY: ACM Association for Computing Machinery 2005 S. 1148 - 1149