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632 Treffer

× Publikationen
× 2020
× Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
× Hochschule Mainz
× Hochschule Kaiserslautern
× Theologische Fakultät Trier

  • Thurnes, Christian M.
  • Leanagil Design-TRIZing: Supporting Innovation in Crisis
  • International Society for Professional Innovationmanagement (ISPIM) (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 2020 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Virtual) Event "Innovating in Times of Crisis". Lappeenranta: LUT 2020 S. 1 - 7

  • Thurnes, Christian M.
  • Build&Break the Contradiction
  • Thurnes, C.M. ; Hentschel, C. ; Zeihsel, F. (Hrsg). Playing TRIZ Vol.2 : More Games and Cases Fostering Inventiveness. Kaiserslautern: Synnovating 2020 S. 127 - 138 (Playing TRIZ ; 2)