112 Treffer
- Verfahren zur Trennung einer in einer Probe enthaltenen Zellgruppe in Einzelzellen
- DE000010217858C1 - Paulus, Dietrich
- System that indicates exposure to the environment of environmentally-sensitive packaged materials
- WO 2010085927 - Imhof, Wolfgang
- Rubber composition is a rubber, together with a cross linking agent, chalcogenides of metals and age protection agents to reduce the heavy metal content without loss of mechanical performance
- EP1749054 DE102004026685 JP2008500412 US20080014438 - Grun, Gregor
- Shoe for medical applications has a permanent magnet positioned in a shoe in the area of a heel and/or a bundion and a main body made from foam material
- DE102007032821 WO2009007016 - Grun, Gregor
- Rubber mixture, useful in vulcanized rubber mixture and molded articles, comprises a non-magnetic filler and a nanoscale magnetic filler
- EP1789487 DE102004041746 WO2006024413 KR2007051871 CN101044197 JP208511700 US20080135799 - Grun, Gregor
- New high specific surface composite particles, useful as fillers or stabilizers in polymers or as catalysts, comprising carrier particles, encapsulating layer of oxide material and active material particles
- EP1685064 WO2005049489 DE10353555 US20070087196 ES2288692 - Grun, Gregor
- Floor Covering comprises sheet or tile elastomeric base material with slip-resistant surface containing granular particles comprising polymeric material with hardness significantly greater than that of elastomeric material
- EP20070013052 US20080020179 CA2594439 CN101113638 DE102006034646 KR2008009640 - Grun, Gregor
- Lenkprofil für das assistierte Rückwärtsfahren mit Einachsanhänger
- DE 10 2006 008 071.8 - Zöbel, Dieter
- Fahrerassistenzeinrichtung, Abbildungssystem, Verfahren und Computerprogrammvorrichtung
- DE 2006 035 021.9 - Zöbel, Dieter
- Optische Vermessung der Ausrichtung der Glieder von Fahrzeugen mit zweiachsigen Anhängern
- DE 10 2006 056 408.1 - Zöbel, Dieter