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Physical Attributes of Memorials: Could the Tomb of Jephthah and the Dietary Restrictions of Tekufot Give an Insight into the Intention of Judges 11:29-40

Michaela Bauks;Katharina Galor;Judith Hartenstein (Hrsg). Gender and Social Norms in Ancient Israel, Early Judaism and Early Christianity: Texts and Material Culture; Proceedings of the international symposium 18th - 20th February 2016, University of Koblenz-Landau. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2019 S. 235 - 254

Erscheinungsjahr: 2019

ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-525-55267-4

Publikationstyp: Diverses (Konferenzbeitrag)

Sprache: Englisch
