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Relation of Mindfulness, Heartfulness and Well-Being in Students during the Coronavirus-Pandemic

International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. Bd. 7. Springer Science and Business Media LLC 2022 S. 419 - 438

Erscheinungsjahr: 2022

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1007/s41042-022-00075-1

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The Coronavirus Pandemic has affected the lives of almost everyone. The study’s primary goal is to analyze how mindfulness and heartfulness (gratitude and self-compassion) predict well-being and flourishing during the pandemic. Participants were 216 students completing questionnaires about well-being, flourishing, mindfulness, self-compassion, gratitude, physical activity, Coronavirus stress and strain, and demographic information. Participants’ physical activity, strain, stress, and gender w...The Coronavirus Pandemic has affected the lives of almost everyone. The study’s primary goal is to analyze how mindfulness and heartfulness (gratitude and self-compassion) predict well-being and flourishing during the pandemic. Participants were 216 students completing questionnaires about well-being, flourishing, mindfulness, self-compassion, gratitude, physical activity, Coronavirus stress and strain, and demographic information. Participants’ physical activity, strain, stress, and gender were also investigated as possible predictors. Mindfulness predicted well-being and flourishing. These relations were mediated by gratitude and self-compassion. Physical activity also predicted well-being and flourishing, but the Coronavirus stress and strain were unrelated to students’ well-being or flourishing. In an exploratory analysis, three aspects of mindfulness (non-judging, observing, and acting with awareness) predicted well-being, and four (non-judging, describing, observing, and acting with awareness) predicted flourishing. Aspects of heartfulness mediated the relations between these aspects of mindfulness and well-being and flourishing.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Wolff, Fabian (Autor)
Jansen, Petra (Autor)


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