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Integral representations for convolutions of non-central multivariate gamma distributions [math.ST]. Cornell University. 2007 12 S.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2007

Publikationstyp: Diverses

Sprache: Englisch



Three types of integral representations for the cumulative distribution functions of convolutions of non-central p-variate gamma distributions are given by integration of elementary complex functions over the p-cube Cp = (-pi,pi]x...x(-pi,pi]. In particular, the joint distribution of the diagonal elements of a generalized quadratic form XAX' with n independent normally distributed column vectors in X is obtained. For a single p-variate gamma distribution function (p-1)-variate integrals over ...Three types of integral representations for the cumulative distribution functions of convolutions of non-central p-variate gamma distributions are given by integration of elementary complex functions over the p-cube Cp = (-pi,pi]x...x(-pi,pi]. In particular, the joint distribution of the diagonal elements of a generalized quadratic form XAX' with n independent normally distributed column vectors in X is obtained. For a single p-variate gamma distribution function (p-1)-variate integrals over Cp-1 are derived. The integrals are numerically more favourable than integrals obtained from the Fourier or laplace inversion formula. » weiterlesen» einklappen

  • onvolutions of multivariate distributions, generalized quadratic forms of normal random vectors, multivariate chi-square distribution, Multivariate gamma distribution


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