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Laufzeit: ab 01.05.1997


Building a corporate information system requires a deep understanding of the company for which it is built: the business strategies it is to support and the organizational environment in which it will be deployed. The MEMO method offers a framework for enterprise modeling which caters for these requirements. One of its central assumptions is that the business process provides an starting and focal point for developing a model of the company and using it, amongst others, to facilitate the...Building a corporate information system requires a deep understanding of the company for which it is built: the business strategies it is to support and the organizational environment in which it will be deployed. The MEMO method offers a framework for enterprise modeling which caters for these requirements. One of its central assumptions is that the business process provides an starting and focal point for developing a model of the company and using it, amongst others, to facilitate the development of an information system. The procedure that we suggest to follow is outlined in the following picture (click it for an enlargement):; ; ; ; If a reference model for the business process is available we use it as a template that we adapt to our specific needs. This is not done in a haphazard manner but according to specialization rules that ensure both the integrity of the specialized process and its compatibility with the original reference process.; ; If no suitable reference model can be found (e.g. because the whole process is company-specific or differs substantially from industry standards) we draw up a new model with the help of some semiformal process modeling language such as Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs) or the like. In this case we can only check the model´s consistency and correctness a posteriori. We suggest to employ the relaxed soundness criterion for this. If the modeled process is relaxed sound it can directly serve as an input for the design phase of software engineering. Otherwise the model has to be redesigned.» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • process modeling business process soundness reference model