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Oxygenation and HIF-1α expression in experimental tumours undergoing localised hyperthermia

Laufzeit: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2008


Hyperthermic treatment of human or experimental tumours has been shown to be capable of influencing the microcirculation, in particular since tumour blood vessels - in contrast to their normal counterparts - are incapable of responding to heating in a physiologically appropriate manner as a result of a number of structural and functional abnormalities. In tumours in which blood flow decreases during hyperthermia, the development of hypoxia is to be expected. While the effects of hyperthermia...Hyperthermic treatment of human or experimental tumours has been shown to be capable of influencing the microcirculation, in particular since tumour blood vessels - in contrast to their normal counterparts - are incapable of responding to heating in a physiologically appropriate manner as a result of a number of structural and functional abnormalities. In tumours in which blood flow decreases during hyperthermia, the development of hypoxia is to be expected. While the effects of hyperthermia will not themselves be limited by a worsening of the oxygenation, the subsequent intensified hypoxia could potentially be responsible for the development of a more aggressive phenotype in any surviving tumour tissue. Hypoxia induces proteome changes primarily through a modification in the activity of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α). This study is therefore designed to assess changes in oxygenation occurring upon hyperthermia and to examine possible resulting changes in HIF-1α which might have an impact on the behaviour of any tumour cells surviving the treatment.» weiterlesen» einklappen

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