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The response of autologous T cells to a human melanoma is dominated by mutated neoantigens

Proceedings of the National Academy od Sciences USA / Bd. Proceedings of the National Academy od Sciences USA / Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences 2005 S. 16013-16018

Erscheinungsjahr: 2005

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz


Lennerz, V. (Autor)
Fatho, M. (Autor)
Gentilini, C. (Autor)
Frye, R. A. (Autor)
Lifke, A. (Autor)
Ferel, D (Autor)
Wölfel, C. (Autor)
Huber, C. (Autor)


DDC Sachgruppe:
Allgemeines, Wissenschaft

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