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Stephan Diehl

Prof. Dr. Stephan Diehl

Universität Trier

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Lutz, Rainer; Schäfer, Sascha; Diehl, Stephan

Teaching object-orientation with smartphones as digital CRC cards.

CSEE&T. 2013 S. 89 - 98

Beck, Fabian; Diehl, Stephan

Visual comparison of software architectures.

Information Visualization. Bd. 12. H. 2. 2013 S. 178 - 199

Beck, Fabian; Hollerich, Fabrice; Diehl, Stephan et al.

Visual monitoring of numeric variables embedded in source code.

VISSOFT. 2013 S. 1 - 4

Lutz, Rainer; Diehl, Stephan

Human Aspects of Model Merging.

Softwaretechnik-Trends. Bd. 32. H. 4. 2012

Beck, Fabian; Pavel, Alexander; Diehl, Stephan

Interaktive Extraktion von Software-Komponenten.

Softwaretechnik-Trends. Bd. 32. H. 2. 2012

Beck, Fabian; Burch, Michael; Vehlow, Corinna et al.

Rapid Serial Visual Presentation in dynamic graph visualization.

VL/HCC. 2012 S. 185 - 192

Biegel, Benjamin; Beck, Fabian; Hornig, Willi et al.

The Order of Things: How developers sort fields and methods.

ICSM. 2012 S. 88 - 97

Lutz, Rainer; Schäfer, Sascha; Diehl, Stephan

Using mobile devices for collaborative requirements engineering.

ASE. 2012 S. 298 - 301

Biegel, Benjamin; David Soetens, Quinten; Hornig, Willi et al.

Comparison of similarity metrics for refactoring detection.

MSR. 2011 S. 53 - 62

Bott, Felix; Diehl, Stephan; Lutz, Rainer

CREWW: collaborative requirements engineering with wii-remotes.

ICSE. 2011 S. 852 - 855