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Stephan Diehl

Prof. Dr. Stephan Diehl

Universität Trier

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Diehl, Stephan; Keller, Jörg

VRML with constraints.

Web3D. 2000 S. 81 - 86

Braune, Beatrix; Diehl, Stephan; Kerren, Andreas et al.

Animation of the Generation and Computation of Finite Automata for Learning Software.

WIA. 1999 S. 39 - 47

Diehl, Stephan

A Formal Introduction to the Compilation of Java.

Softw., Pract. Exper. Bd. 28. H. 3. 1998 S. 297 - 327

Diehl, Stephan

An Experiment in Abstract Machine Design.

Softw., Pract. Exper. Bd. 27. H. 1. 1997 S. 49 - 62

Diehl, Stephan

VRML - Das aktuelle Schlagwort.

Informatik Spektrum. Bd. 20. H. 5. 1997 S. 294 - 295

Diehl, Stephan

VRML++: A Language for Object-Oriented Virtual-Reality Models.

TOOLS (24). 1997 S. 141 - 150

Diehl, Stephan

Towards a Verified OR-Parallel WAM.

ICLP. 1994 S. 737 - 738