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Rhetorik und Massenmedien: Information, Persuasion, Agitation und Propaganda

Burkhard, Armin (Hrsg). Handbuch Politische Rhetorik. Berlin ; Boston: de Gruyter 2019 S. 525 - 546 (Handbücher Rhetorik ; 10)

Erscheinungsjahr: 2019

ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-11-033151-6

Publikationstyp: Buchbeitrag (Lexikonartikel)

Sprache: Deutsch



Political communication depends on publicity which for a long period of time could only be provided by mass media. But the relation between the political system and the media system was and still is quite difficult, always depending, for instance, on the regimes and the key media in the particular eras or cultures and the different functions mass media had to fulfil for society. The chapter discusses the role and the forms of information, persuasion, agitation and propaganda in political mass...Political communication depends on publicity which for a long period of time could only be provided by mass media. But the relation between the political system and the media system was and still is quite difficult, always depending, for instance, on the regimes and the key media in the particular eras or cultures and the different functions mass media had to fulfil for society. The chapter discusses the role and the forms of information, persuasion, agitation and propaganda in political mass communication during several periods and the current changes of mass communication due to the increasing influence of social media.» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • Agitation, Darstellungsformen, Information, Medienwandel, Massenmedien, Politische Gewalten, Persuasion, Propaganda, Soziale Medien


DDC Sachgruppe:
Sprachwissenschaft, Linguistik

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