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The interplay between parties and media in putting EU issues on the agenda

Party Politics. Bd. 1. SAGE Publications 2017 S. 135406881770053

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1177/1354068817700532

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We investigate the interplay between party communication and media coverage in putting EU issues on the agenda during the 2014 European Parliamentary election campaigns in Austria, Germany and the United Kingdom. A temporal pattern analysis focuses on the dynamic perspective of media–parties’ interactions based on a quantitative content analysis of (a) the press releases published by parties and (b) the coverage of two leading newspapers per country 12 weeks prior to the elections. We find th...We investigate the interplay between party communication and media coverage in putting EU issues on the agenda during the 2014 European Parliamentary election campaigns in Austria, Germany and the United Kingdom. A temporal pattern analysis focuses on the dynamic perspective of media–parties’ interactions based on a quantitative content analysis of (a) the press releases published by parties and (b) the coverage of two leading newspapers per country 12 weeks prior to the elections. We find that most public discourses are started by the media; however, political parties especially in Austria are also quite successful in initiating discussions about EU issues. Interestingly, once an issue has been placed on the agenda, only few parties take the chance of their issue ownership as response to the media agenda. On the other side, media react to publications of all party types, even radical parties.» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • agenda setting, election campaigns, media coverage, strategic party communication, temporal pattern analysis


Maier, Michaela (Autor)
Bacherle, Patrick (Autor)


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