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Prof. Dr. Jochen Klein

FB 04 - Universitätsmedizin, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Obere Zahlbacher Str. 67, Raum: 905; Zi. 1206

  • 06131/393-4393
  • 06131/393-6611
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Valeva, Angela; Walev, Iwan; Gerber, Angela et al.

Staphylococcal a-toxin: repair of a calcium-impermeable pore in the target cell membrane

Molecular microbiology. Bd. 36. H. 2. Oxford: Blackwell 2000 S. 467 - 476

Kötter, Katja; Klein, Jochen

Adrenergic modulation of astroglial phospholipase D activity and cell proliferation

Brain research. internat. multidisciplinary journal devoted to fundamental research in the brain sciences. Bd. 830. H. 1. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1999 S. 138 - 145

Kötter, K.; Klein, J.

CLINICAL NEUROCHEMISTRY AND DISEASE - Ethanol Inhibits Astroglial Cell Proliferation by Disruption of Phospholipase D-Mediated Signaling

Journal of neurochemistry. official journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry. Bd. 73. H. 6. Oxford: Blackwell Science 1999 S. 2517 - 2523

Hilgert, Michael; Nöldner, Michael; Chatterjee, Shyam S. et al.

KA-672 inhibits rat brain acetylcholinesterase in vitro but not in vivo

Neuroscience letters. Bd. 263. H. 2. Amsterdam: Elsevier [u.a.] 1999 S. 193 - 196

Erb, Christina; Seidel, Albrecht; Frank, Heinz et al.

NEUROSCIENCE - Formation of N-methylnicotinamide in the brain from a dihydropyridine-type prodrug: Effect on brain choline

Biochemical pharmacology. an international journal devoted to research into the development of biologically active substances and their mode of action at the biochemical and subcellular level. Bd. 57. H. 6. New York, NY: Elsevier 1999 S. 681 - 684

Weichel, O.; Hilgert, M.; Chatterjee, S.S. et al.

ORIGINAL ARTICLES - Bilobalide, a constituent of Ginkgo biloba, inhibits NMDA-induced phospholipase A2 activation and phospholipid breakdown in rat hippocampus

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology. Bd. 360. H. 6. Berlin: Springer 1999 S. 609 - 615

Klein, J.

Physiologie - Cholin und Lecithin - Nährstoffe zur Förderung des Gedächtnisses?

Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung. DAZ ; unabhängige pharmazeutische Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis. Bd. 139. H. 10. Stuttgart: Dt. Apotheker-Verl. 1999 S. 51 - 62

Erb, C.; Klein, J.

Enhancement of brain choline levels by nicotinamide: mechanism of action

Neuroscience Letters. Bd. Neuroscience Letters. 1998 S. 111-114

Klein, J.; Vakil, M.; Bergman, F. et al.

Glutamatergic Activation of Hippocampal Phospholipase D: Postnatal Fading and Receptor Desensitization

Journal of neurochemistry. official journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry. Bd. 70. H. 4. Oxford: Blackwell Science 1998 S. 1679 - 1685

Klein, J.; Köppen, A.; Löffelholz, K.

Regulation of free choline in rat brain: Dietary and pharmacological manipulations

Neurochemistry international. the internat. journal for the rapid publ. of critical reviews, preliminary and original research communications in neurochemistry. Bd. 32. H. 5. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1998 S. 479 - 486