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Biepitaxial Josephson junctions and SuFET technology for the preparation of HTS-JoFETs

Journal de physique 4. Bd. 4. H. C6. 1994 S. 205 - 210

Erscheinungsjahr: 1994

ISBN/ISSN: 1155-4339

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1051/jp4:1994633

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Biepitaxial Josephson junctions and superconducting field effect transistors (SuFET) were fabricated in order to combine both techniques to a Josephson junction field effect transistor (JoFET). The Josephson junctions show RSJ-like behaviour. At 30 K a critical current density of Jc ? 104 A/cm2 and an IcRN-product of 0.1 mV were obtained. The oscillation of Shapiro steps with applied microwave field can be well fitted by the RSJ-model. SuFETs with CeO2 as dielectric show, for fixed charge tra...Biepitaxial Josephson junctions and superconducting field effect transistors (SuFET) were fabricated in order to combine both techniques to a Josephson junction field effect transistor (JoFET). The Josephson junctions show RSJ-like behaviour. At 30 K a critical current density of Jc ? 104 A/cm2 and an IcRN-product of 0.1 mV were obtained. The oscillation of Shapiro steps with applied microwave field can be well fitted by the RSJ-model. SuFETs with CeO2 as dielectric show, for fixed charge transfer, results comparable to SrTiO3-based SuFETs. The downset of the resistive transition of a six-unit-cells thick YBa2Cu3O7-? layer is 44 K and the largest field effect obtained so far is 1.5 %. Prelimary results on JoFETs show a drastic change in the critical current density and in the specific junction resistance, however the IcRN-product remains still in the typical range. The insulating properties are degraded compared to SuFETs. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Petersen, K. (Autor)
Walkenhorst, A. (Autor)
Stölzel, C. (Autor)
Wilkens, W. (Autor)
Krimmer, C. (Autor)
Söllner, J. (Autor)
Grueninger, H. W. (Autor)
Fischer, R. (Autor)
Schmitt, M. (Autor)
Becherer, T. (Autor)


DFG Fachgebiet:
Physik der kondensierten Materie

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