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Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerhard M. Technau

Institut für Genetik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Becherweg 32, Raum: Raum 01-131

  • 06131/39-25341/25843/23350
  • 06131/39-25845/24584
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Schmidt, H.; Lüer, K.; Hevers, W. et al.

Ionic Currents of Drosophila Embryonic Neurons Derived from Selectively Cultured CNS Midline Precursors

Journal of neurobiology. Bd. 44. H. 4. New York, NY [u.a.]: Wiley 2000 S. 392 - 413

Udolph, G.; Urban, J.; Rüsing, G. et al.

Differential effects of EGF receptor signalling on neuroblast lineages along the dorsoventral axis of the Drosophila CNS

Development <Cambridge>. Bd. 125. H. 17. Cambridge: The Company of Biologists 1998 S. 3291 - 3300

Prokop, Andreas; Bray, Sarah; Harrison, Emma et al.

Homeotic regulation of segment-specific differences in neuroblast numbers and proliferation in the Drosophila central nervous system

MOD. the official journal of the International Society of Developmental Biologists. Bd. 74. H. 1. Shannon: Elsevier 1998 S. 99 - 110

Urban, Joachim; Technau, Gerhard

Cell lineage and cell fate specification in the embryonic CNS of Drosophila

Seminars in cell & developmental biology. Bd. 8. H. 4. London: Academic Press 1997 S. 391 - 400

Lüer-Kirsch, Karin; Urban, Joachim; Technau, Gerhard

CNS midline cells in Drosophila induce the differentiation of lateral neural cells

Development. Bd. 124. H. 24. Cambridge: The Company of Biologists 1997 S. 4949 - 4958

Lüer, K.; Urban, J.; Klämbt, C. et al.

Induction of identified mesodermal cells by CNS midline progenitors in Drosophila

Development <Cambridge>. Bd. 124. H. 14. Cambridge: The Company of Biologists 1997 S. 2681 - 2690

Technau, Gerhard; Urban, Joachim

The differentiation of the serotonergic neurons in the Drosophila ventral nerve cord depends on the combined function of the zinc finger proteins Eagle and Huckebein

Development. Bd. 124. H. 13. Cambridge: The Company of Biologists 1997 S. 2515 - 2525

Schmidt, Hartmut; Rickert, Christof; Bossing, Torsten et al.

The Embryonic Central Nervous System Lineages of Drosophila melanogaster. II. Neuroblast Lineages Derived from the Dorsal Part of the Neuroectoderm

Developmental biology. Bd. 189. H. 2. San Diego, Calif.: Elsevier 1997 S. 186 - 204

Landgraf, Matthias; Bossing, Torsten; Technau, Gerd M. et al.

The Origin, Location, and Projections of the Embryonic Abdominal Motorneurons of Drosophila

The journal of neuroscience. the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. Bd. 17. H. 24. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience 1997 S. 9642 - 9655

Cantera, R.; Technau, G.M.

Glial cells phagocytose neuronal debris during the metamorphosis of the central nervous system in Drosophila melanogaster.

Development genes and evolution. Bd. 206. H. 4. Berlin: Springer 1996 S. 277 - 280