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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Rothlauf

Wirtschaftsinformatik, Prof. Dr. Franz Rothlauf, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Rothlauf, Franz; Oetzel, Marie

On the locality of grammatical evolution

Collet, Pierre (Hrsg). Genetic Programming : 9. European Conference ; proceedings. Berlin: Springer 2006 S. 320 - 330

Rothlauf, Franz

Representations for genetic and evolutionary algorithms

2. Aufl. Aufl. Berlin u.a.: Springer 2006 325 S.

Rothlauf, Frank; Schunk, Daniel; Pfeiffer, Jella

Classification of human dynamic decision behavior : finding modular decision rules with genetic algorithms

Beyer, Hans-Georg u.a. (Hrsg). GECCO 2005 : genetic and evolutionary computation conference. New York: ACM Press 2005 S. 2021 - 2028

Reichelt, D.; Rothlauf, Franz

Reliable communication network design with evolutionary algorithms

International journal of computational intelligence and applications. Bd. 5. H. 2. 2005 S. 1 - 16

Rothlauf, Franz; David E. Goldberg,

Redundant representations in evolutionary computation

Evolutionary computation. Bd. 11. H. 4. MIT Press 2003 S. 381 - 415

Rothlauf, Franz; Goldberg, D.; Heinzl, A.

Network random keys : a tree network representation scheme for genetic and evolutionary algorithms

Evolutionary computation. Bd. 10. H. 1. 2002 S. 75 - 97

Grosche, Tobias; Heinzl, Armin; Rothlauf, Franz

A Conceptual Approach for Simultaneous Flight Schedule Construction with Genetic Algorithms

Boers, Egbert J.W. (Hrsg). Applications of evolutionary computing : proceedings / EvoWorkshops 2001: EvoCOP .. Como, Italy, April 18 - 20, 200. Heidelberg u. a.: Spinger 2001 S. 257 - 267