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On the de-facto Standard of Event-driven Process Chains: Reviewing EPC Implementations in Process Modelling Tools

Modellierung 2016. Karlsruhe. 2016 (LNI P-254)

Erscheinungsjahr: 2016

Publikationstyp: Diverses (Konferenzbeitrag)

Sprache: Englisch



Nowadays, most processm odellingtools implement popular modellinglanguages such as theB usinessP rocessM odel andN otation(BPMN) or theE vent-driven ProcessC hain (EPC). However, in contrast to BPMN, no effort has yet been undertaken to standardize theEPC language, thus renderingE PCsa s beingm erelyade-factos tandard for businessp rocessm odelling. Subsequently, this paperaddresses this issuebylayingground for asuccessful EPC standardization. To achievet his task, several processm odellingt ...Nowadays, most processm odellingtools implement popular modellinglanguages such as theB usinessP rocessM odel andN otation(BPMN) or theE vent-driven ProcessC hain (EPC). However, in contrast to BPMN, no effort has yet been undertaken to standardize theEPC language, thus renderingE PCsa s beingm erelyade-factos tandard for businessp rocessm odelling. Subsequently, this paperaddresses this issuebylayingground for asuccessful EPC standardization. To achievet his task, several processm odellingt ools have been evaluated regardingt heir implementationo ft he EPC languagew itht he objective to derive consensusa bout important languagec onstructs. Theevaluationr eveals that therei s ah ighd egreeofv arietyi nt he waytools implement EPCs.Especially syntax,semanticand pragmaticofthe EPC languageare not perceived homogenously and, in fact,c ommonlyn eglected. Hence, our research provides valuable implications for further EPC standardization by highlighting thestate-of-the-art of theEPC from a software point of view. 1T he need foranEPC standard-How reviewing BPMtools might help The modellingofbusinessprocesses is an integral part of Business ProcessManagement (BPM)[BNT10].For anysuccessful modellingendeavor, the emphasis has to be put on the choice of modellings oftware andb usinessp rocess modellingl anguages (BPML) [WAV04].Studies reveal that the market volume of BPM software is continuing to grow, reaching 2.7 billion $in2015 [Ga15].In2013, over 52 vendorsfor BPMsoftware compete in the broaderB PM market [RM13].» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • BPMN


Karhof, Arne (Autor)
Jannaber, Sven (Autor)
Thomas, Oliver (Autor)
Becker, Jörg (Autor)


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