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The deletion of six amino acids at the C-terminus of the a1(11) chain causes overmodification of type II and type XI collagen: Further evidence for the association between small deletions in COL2A1 and Kniest dysplasia

Journal of medical genetics. Bd. 33. H. 8. London: BMJ Publishing Group 1996 S. 649 - 654

Erscheinungsjahr: 1996

ISBN/ISSN: 0022-2593

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Winterpacht, A. (Autor)
Superti-Furga, A. (Autor)
Schwarze, U. (Autor)
Stöss, H. (Autor)
Steinmann, B. (Autor)
Spranger, J. (Autor)

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