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Explicit and implicit assessment of emotional expressivity

Presentation at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, 20th-25th July 2008. Berlin. 2008

Erscheinungsjahr: 2008

Publikationstyp: Diverses (Konferenzbeitrag)

Sprache: Englisch


Based on the extended model of emotional expressivity, relations between three central expressivity facets (core expressivity, other-directedness, public performing) were tested. Each facet was assessed by an Implicit Association Test (IAT) and two explicit measures: ratings of IAT words and expressivity scales. Word ratings correlated significantly with both IATs and scales, whereas scales and IATs correlated significantly for other-directedness and public performing but not for core express...Based on the extended model of emotional expressivity, relations between three central expressivity facets (core expressivity, other-directedness, public performing) were tested. Each facet was assessed by an Implicit Association Test (IAT) and two explicit measures: ratings of IAT words and expressivity scales. Word ratings correlated significantly with both IATs and scales, whereas scales and IATs correlated significantly for other-directedness and public performing but not for core expressivity. For most correlations women exhibited higher coefficients than men. It is proposed that associations between implicit and explicit measures of emotional expressivity are moderated by the degree of social orientation during emotion expression.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Krohne, Heinz Walter (Autor)


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