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Stroboscopic XMCD-PEEM imaging of standing and propagating spinwave modes in permalloy thin-film structures


Erscheinungsjahr: 2007

ISBN/ISSN: 0039-6028

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1016/j.susc.2007.05.060

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Using synchrotron-based stroboscopic photoemission electron microscopy with X-ray circular dichroism as contrast method, we have investigated the high-frequency response of permalloy thin-film structures. Standing precessional modes have been studied in rectangular elements (16 x 32 mu m(2), 10 nm thick) with a high time resolution of about 15 ps in the low-alpha mode of BESSY. With increasing amplitude of the applied magnetic AC field the particle is driven from an initial symmetric Landau f...Using synchrotron-based stroboscopic photoemission electron microscopy with X-ray circular dichroism as contrast method, we have investigated the high-frequency response of permalloy thin-film structures. Standing precessional modes have been studied in rectangular elements (16 x 32 mu m(2), 10 nm thick) with a high time resolution of about 15 ps in the low-alpha mode of BESSY. With increasing amplitude of the applied magnetic AC field the particle is driven from an initial symmetric Landau flux-closure state into an asymmetric state and finally into a single-domain state magnetized perpendicular to the applied field H-AC. The electromagnetic microwave field thus can induces a net magnetization in a small particle. This behaviour is a result of the constant throughput of energy (open system) that allows for an increase of local order, contrary to the usual increase on entropy in closed systems. A propagating spinwave in an ultrathin elliptical particle (semi axes 6 x 12 mu m(2), 3 nm thick) was observed in a snapshot series with 25 ps time increment. The phase front of the spinwave with large precessional angle (bright contrast) propagates with a velocity of 8100 m/s, i.e. much faster than typical domain wall velocities in permalloy. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Wegelin, F (Autor)
Krasyuk, A (Autor)
Nepijko, SA (Autor)
Schneider, CM (Autor)
Schonhense, G (Autor)

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