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Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik

FB 4: Informatik / Universität Koblenz

Universitätsstraße 1, 56070 Koblenz
  • 0261/2872646
  • 0261/2871002646
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Steinhorst, Matthias; Breuker, Dominic; Delfmann, Patrick et al.

Supporting Enterprise Transformation using a Universal Model Analysis Approach

Jan Pries-Heje;Mike Chiasson;Jonathan Wareham;Xavier Busquets;Josep Valor;Sandra Seiber (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2012: Barcelona, Spain; June 10-13, 2012. Atlanta, GA: Association for Information Systems/AIS eLibrary 2012

Steinhorst, Matthias; Breuker, Dominic; Delfmann, Patrick et al.

Supporting Enterprise Transformation using a Universal Model Analysis Approach.

ECIS. 2012 S. 147

Troitzsch, Klaus G.

Team formation in the garbage can

Research in the sociology of organizations. Bd. 36. Bingley: Emerald 2012 S. 229 - 252

Troitzsch, Klaus G.

Theory Reconstruction of Several Versions of Modern Organization Theories

Tolk, Andreas (Hrsg). Ontology, Epistemology and Teleology for Modeling and Simulation : Philosophical Foundations for Intelligent M&s Applications. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer 2012 S. 121 - 140

Hardy, Catherine A.; Williams, Susan P.

Thinking about the Identities of Information Professionals: Exploring the Concept of Intersectionality

Jan Pries-Heje;Mike Chiasson;Jonathan Wareham;Xavier Busquets;Josep Valor;Sandra Seiber (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2012: Barcelona, Spain; June 10-13, 2012. Atlanta, GA: Association for Information Systems/AIS eLibrary 2012 S. 1 - 13

Wimmer, Maria A.

Über zehn Jahre E-Government in Österreich

Wolf J. Schünemann;Stefan Weiler (Hrsg). E-Government und Netzpolitik im europäischen Vergleich. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2012 S. 187 - 213

Holst Riis, Philip; Schubert, Petra

Upgrading to a New Version of an ERP System: A Multilevel Analysis of Influencing Factors in a Software Ecosystem

Ralph H. Sprague (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 45th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS 2012: Wailea, Maui, Hawaii; 4-7 January, 2012. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society 2012 S. 4709 - 4718

Rosemann, Michael; Schwegmann, Ansgar; Delfmann, Patrick

Vorbereitung der Prozessmodellierung

Jörg Becker;Martin Kugeler;Michael Rosemann (Hrsg). Prozessmanagement: Ein Leitfaden zur prozessorientierten Organisationsgestaltung. Berlin: Springer 2012 S. 47 - 111