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Potentials of Social Networks for Knowledge Management with regard to the Development of Stable Competences and Dynamic Capabilities - Conceptualization and Case Study Results

Ralph H. Sprague (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS 2007: Waikoloa; Big Island, Hawaii; January 3-6, 2007. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society 2007 S. 1 - 9

Erscheinungsjahr: 2007

ISBN/ISSN: 0-7695-2755-8

Publikationstyp: Diverses (Konferenzbeitrag)

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1109/HICSS.2007.439

Volltext über DOI/URN



von Kortzfleisch, Harald F. O. (Autor)
Mergel, Ines (Autor)
Proll, Christian (Autor)