FB IV - Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Mathematik, Informatikwissenschaften / Universität Trier
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Fisch, Christian O.; Hassel, Tobias M.; Sandner, Philipp G. et al.
University patenting: a comparison of 300 leading universities worldwideJOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER. Bd. 40. H. 2. 2015 S. 318 - 345
Ebers, Mark; Semrau, Thorsten
What drives the allocation of specific investments between buyer and supplier?JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH. Bd. 68. H. 2. 2015 S. 415 - 424
Parboteeah, K. Praveen; Walter, Sascha G.; Block, Jorn H.
When Does Christian Religion Matter for Entrepreneurial Activity? The Contingent Effect of a Country's Investments into KnowledgeJOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS. Bd. 130. H. 2. 2015 S. 447 - 465
Block, Joern H.; Fisch, Christian O.; Hahn, Alexander et al.
Why do SMEs file trademarks? Insights from firms in innovative industriesRESEARCH POLICY. Bd. 44. H. 10. 2015 S. 1915 - 1930
Richter, Lutz; Meyering, Stephan
Handbuch der Bilanzierung (HdB). ZinsaufwendungenFedermann, Rudolf/Kußmaul, Heinz/Müller, Stefan (Hrsg). 182. Aufl. Freiburg im Breisgau: Haufe Verlag 2015 S. 1 - 28 (Stichwort Nr. 149)
Richter, Lutz; Reeb, Dominik
Zur Ausdehnung des materiellen Korrespondenzprinzips in § 8b Abs. 1 S. 2 KStG durch das AmtshilfeRLUmsG im Spannungsfeld von Europa- und VölkerrechtInternationales Steuerrecht (IStR). Bd. 24. 2015 S. 40 - 53
Hens, Thorsten; Rieger, Marc Oliver
"Can utility maximization explain the demand for structured investment products?"Quantitative Finance. Bd. 14(4). 2014 S. 673 - 681
Rieger, Marc Oliver
"Evolutionary stability of prospect theory preferences"Journal of Mathematical Economics. Bd. 50. 2014 S. 1 - 11
Rieger, Marc Oliver
"Evolutionary stability of prospect theory preferences"Journal of Mathematical Economics. Bd. 50. 2014 S. 1 - 11
Breuer, Wolfgang; Rieger, Marc Oliver; Soypak, K. Can
"The behavioral foundations of corporate dividend policy a cross-country analysis"Journal of Banking and Finance. Bd. 42. 2014 S. 247 - 265