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Phosphate Groups in the Lipid A Moiety Determine the Effects of LPS on Hepatic Stellate Cells: A Role for LPS-Dephosphorylating Activity in Liver Fibrosis

CELLS. Bd. 9. H. 12. 2020

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Schippers, Marlies (Autor)
Post, Eduard (Autor)
Eichhorn, Ilse (Autor)
Langeland, Jitske (Autor)
Beljaars, Leonie (Autor)
Malo, Madhu S. (Autor)
Hodin, Richard A. (Autor)
Millan, Jose Luis (Autor)
Popov, Yury (Autor)
Schuppan, Detlef (Autor)
Poelstra, Klaas (Autor)


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