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GWAS meta-analysis of 16 790 patients with Barrett's oesophagus and oesophageal adenocarcinoma identifies 16 novel genetic risk loci and provides insights into disease aetiology beyond the single marker level

GUT. 2022

Erscheinungsjahr: 2022

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Schroeder, Julia (Autor)
Chegwidden, Laura (Autor)
Maj, Carlo (Autor)
Gehlen, Jan (Autor)
Speller, Jan (Autor)
Boehmer, Anne C. (Autor)
Borisov, Oleg (Autor)
Hess, Timo (Autor)
Kreuser, Nicole (Autor)
Venerito, Marino (Autor)
Alakus, Hakan (Autor)
May, Andrea (Autor)
Gerges, Christian (Autor)
Schmidt, Thomas (Autor)
Thieme, Rene (Autor)
Heider, Dominik (Autor)
Hillmer, Axel M. (Autor)
Reingruber, Julian (Autor)
Lyros, Orestis (Autor)
Dietrich, Arne (Autor)
Hoffmeister, Albrecht (Autor)
Mehdorn, Matthias (Autor)
Lordick, Florian (Autor)
Stocker, Gertraud (Autor)
Hohaus, Michael (Autor)
Reim, Daniel (Autor)
Kandler, Jennis (Autor)
Mueller, Michaela (Autor)
Ebigbo, Alanna (Autor)
Fuchs, Claudia (Autor)
Bruns, Christiane J. (Autor)
Holscher, Arnulf H. (Autor)
Lang, Hauke (Autor)
Grimminger, Peter P. (Autor)
Dakkak, Dani (Autor)
Vashist, Yogesh (Autor)
May, Sandra (Autor)
Gorg, Siegfried (Autor)
Franke, Andre (Autor)
Ellinghaus, David (Autor)
Galavotti, Sara (Autor)
Veits, Lothar (Autor)
Weismuller, Josef (Autor)
Dommermuth, Jens (Autor)
Benner, Udo (Autor)
Roesch, Thomas (Autor)
Messmann, Helmut (Autor)
Schumacher, Brigitte (Autor)
Neuhaus, Horst (Autor)
Schmidt, Carsten (Autor)
Wissinowski, Thaddaus T. (Autor)
Noethen, Markus M. (Autor)
Dong, Jing (Autor)
Ong, Jue-Sheng (Autor)
Buas, Matthew F. (Autor)
Thrift, Aaron P. (Autor)
Vaughan, Thomas L. (Autor)
Tomlinson, Ian (Autor)
Whiteman, David C. (Autor)
Fitzgerald, Rebecca Claire (Autor)
Jankowski, Janusz (Autor)
Vieth, Michael (Autor)
Mayr, Andreas (Autor)
Gharahkhani, Puya (Autor)
MacGregor, Stuart (Autor)
Gockel, Ines (Autor)
Palles, Claire (Autor)
Schumacher, Johannes (Autor)


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