Ergebnisse pro Seite:
2019 - 2023
TRR156/2, C01: Targets and mediators of IL-17 in mouse models of psoriasis and skin infection- Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. Ari Waisman,
- Dr. Florian Kurschus
2019 - 2023
TRR156/2, C08: Resolving the mechanisms of the skin-vasculature-crosstalk in psoriasis-associated vascular dysfunction- Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. Ari Waisman,
- Dr. Susanne Karbach
2018 - 2021
Immunmodulation of cytomegalovirus latency and reactivation by regulatory T cells and dendritic cells- Prof. Dr. Rafaela Holtappels,
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Björn Clausen
2018 - 2021
SFB1292, TP15: Mechanisms controlling Th17 and regulatory T cells in anti-Leishmania response- Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. Ari Waisman,
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Esther von Stebut-Borschitz
2017 - 2020
Deciphering the tubulin code of dendritic cell homeostasis and function- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Björn Clausen
2017 - 2020
ADAMs going viral – novel regulators of dendritic cell function during viral infection- Dr. Ronald Backer
2016 - 2020
The role of IL-1 signaling in the regulation of microglia development and function- Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. Ari Waisman
2016 - 2020
TRR128/2, A03: G-Protein-coupled receptor signaling in immune cells and endothelial cells: implications for neuroinflammation- Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. Ari Waisman,
- Prof. Dr. Nina Wettschureck
2016 - 2020
TRR128/2, A07: A novel IL-6 signaling modality in the direct interaction of immune cells- Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. Ari Waisman,
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Korn
2016 - 2019
The role of E-cadherin and β-catenin signaling in myeloid antigen presenting cells in the maintenance of immune homeostasis at epithelial interfaces- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Björn Clausen
2015 - 2017
Der Einfluss der Darmflora auf enzephalitogene T-Zellen und die Rolle von IL-17 und IFNγ in autoimmunen Erkrankungen des ZNS- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ari Waisman
2015 - 2019
TRR156, C01: Targets and mediators of IL-17 pathology in mouse models of psoriasis- Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. Ari Waisman,
- Dr. Florian Kurschus
2015 - 2017
The role of ß-catenin signaling in CD11c+ antigen presenting cells and its effect on immunity in allergic asthma- Dr. Juliane Ober-Blöbaum
2015 - 2018
NEURON-Verbund MELTRA-BBB: Mechanisms of Lymphocytes Transmigration Across the Blood Brain Barrier- Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. Ari Waisman
2015 - 2018
NEURON-Verbund MELTRA-BBB: Mechanismen der Lymphozyten-Durchwanderung durch die Blut-Hirn-Schranke (MELTRA-BBB) (BMBF)- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ari Waisman
2014 - 2017
The role of the deubiquitinating enzymes Cyld and A20 in B cell lymphoma genesis- Dr. Nadine Hövelmeyer
2014 - 2016
Regulatorische T-Zellen und Th17-Zellen bei autoimmuner Gehirnentzündung- Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. Ari Waisman
2013 - 2014
T cell specific inactivation of prohibitin leads to colitis in mice (Stufe 1)- Dr. Nadine Hövelmeyer
2013 - 2014
The role of β-catenin signaling in dendritic cells to control tolerance versus immunity in the intestine (Stufe 1)- Dr. Juliane Ober-Blöbaum