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Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie

Klinikum / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  50

Nguyen-Huu, BK; Urban, PP; Schreckenberger, M et al.

Antiamphiphysin-positive stiff-person syndrome associated with small cell lung cancer.

Mov Disord. Bd. 21. H. 8. 2006 S. 1285-7

Huying, F; Klimpe, S; Werhahn, KJ

Antiepileptic drug use in nursing home residents: a cross-sectional, regional study.

Seizure. Bd. 15. H. 3. 2006 S. 194-7

Schneider, F; Gerriets, T; Walberer, M et al.

Brain edema and intracerebral necrosis caused by transcranial low-frequency 20-kHz ultrasound: a safety study in rats.

Stroke. Bd. 37. H. 5. 2006 S. 1301-6

Bense, S; Janusch, B; Vucurevic, G et al.

Brainstem and cerebellar fMRI-activation during horizontal and vertical optokinetic stimulation.

Exp Brain Res. Bd. 174. H. 2. 2006 S. 312-23

Birklein, F

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

Elsevier 2006 529 S.

Vogt, TH; Fritz, A

Computer-aided analysis of muscle fibre conduction velocity in neuromuscular diseases.

Neurol Sci. Bd. 27. H. 1. 2006 S. 51-7

Köhler, J; Schäfer, G; Dieterich, M et al.

Computerised analysis of cerebellar symptoms in multiple sclerosis - “TremorAn“ a new bedside tes

Multiple Sclerosis. Bd. 12. 2006 S. S91-S92

Voller, B; Floel, A; Werhahn, KJ et al.

Contralateral hand anesthesia transiently improves poststroke sensory deficits.

Ann Neurol. Bd. 59. H. 2. 2006 S. 385-8

Thömke, F

Das EEG bei soporösen, komatösen und hirntoten Patienten

Neurophysiologie Labor. Bd. 28. 2006 S. 13-22

Diener, HC; Schorn, CF; Strupp, M et al.

Das Liquorunterdrucksyndrom

Aktuel Neurol. Bd. 33. 2006 S. 20-25

Werhahn, KJ; Landvogt, C; Klimpe, S et al.

Decreased dopamine D2/D3-receptor binding in temporal lobe epilepsy: an [18F]fallypride PET study

Epilepsia. Bd. 47. H. 8. 2006 S. 1392-6

Bense, S; Janusch, B; Schlindwein, P et al.

Direction-dependent visual cortex activation during horizontal optokinetic stimulation (fMRI study).

Hum Brain Mapp. Bd. 27. H. 4. 2006 S. 296-305

Petry, F; Torzewski, M; Bohl, J et al.

Early diagnosis of Acanthamoeba infection during routine cytological examination of cerebrospinal fluid.

J Clin Microbiol. Bd. 44. H. 5. 2006 S. 1903-4

Maihofner, C; Handwerker, HO; Birklein, F

Functional imaging of allodynia in complex regional pain syndrome.

Neurology. Bd. 66. H. 5. 2006 S. 711-7

Bense, S; Dieterich, M

Häufige Differentialdiagnose des Schwindels im Alter

NeuroGeriatrie. Bd. 4. 2006 S. 113-119

Dieterich, M

Hirnaktivierungsmuster und klinisches Syndrom

Springer 2006 20 S.

Thömke, F; Heide, W


Kohlhammer 2006 208 S.

Schlereth, T; Birklein, F; an Haack, K et al.

In vivo release of non-neuronal acetylcholine from the human skin as measured by dermal microdialysis: effect of botulinum toxin.

Br J Pharmacol. Bd. 147. H. 2. 2006 S. 183-7

Best, C; Eckhardt-Henn, A; Diener, G et al.

Interaction of somatoform and vestibular disorders.

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. Bd. 77. H. 5. 2006 S. 658-64

Urban, PP; Hertkorn, C; Schattenberg, JM et al.

Leptomeningeal familial amyloidosis: A rare differential diagnosis of leptomeningeal enhancement in MRI

J Neurol. Bd. 253. H. 9. 2006 S. 1238-40

Rolke, R; Rolke, S; Vogt, T et al.

Mechanically induced neuropathy in vibration induced vasospastic syndrome

Aktuel Neurol. 2006 S. 1

Mentel, A; Bense, S; Muttray, A et al.

Messung der Wirkung der Fahrsimulation auf das Gleichgewichtssystem

Wulf von Restorff (Hrsg). Tagungsband des 10. Symposiums der Arbeitsphysiologie für Nachwuchswissenschaftler in Großenbothen. München: Eigenverlag 2006

Maihofner, C; Neundorfer, B; Birklein, F et al.

Mislocalization of tactile stimulation in patients with complex regional pain syndrome.

J Neurol. Bd. 253. H. 6. 2006 S. 772-9

Lüth, S; Birklein, F; Schramm, C et al.

Multiplex neuritis in a patient with autoimmune hepatitis: a case report

World J Gastroenterol. Bd. 12. H. 33. 2006 S. 5396-8

Dieterich, M; Eckhardt-Henn, A

Neurologische und somatoforme Schwindelsyndrome

Schattauer 2006 253 S.

Baier, B; Karnath, HO

Nichterkennen der eigenen Parese-die Anosognosie der Hemiparese

Aktuel Neurol. Bd. 33. 2006 S. 145-149

Fitzek, S; Baumgartner, U; Marx, J et al.

Pain and itch in Wallenberg's syndrome: anatomical-functional correlations.

Suppl Clin Neurophysiol. Bd. 58. 2006 S. 187-94

Birklein, F; Maihöfner, C

Pathophysiologische Mechanismen bei neuropathischen Schmerzsyndromen

Der neuropathische Schmerz - aktuelle Therapiekonzepte. Unimed Verlag 2006

Schlereth, T; Dittmar, JO; Seewald, B et al.

Peripheral amplification of sweating--a role for calcitonin gene-related peptide.

J Physiol. Bd. 576. H. Pt 3. 2006 S. 823-32

Rolke, R; Weber, M; Eich, N et al.

Quantitative sensorische Testung bei Patienten mit Tumorschmerz

Z Palliativmedizin. Bd. 7. H. 3. 2006 S. 92

Rolke, R; Magerl, W; Campbell, KA et al.

Quantitative sensory testing: a comprehensive protocol for clinical trials.

Eur J Pain. Bd. 10. H. 1. 2006 S. 77-88

Thömke, F; Eckhardt-Henn, A


Schattauer 2006 266 S.

Karnath, HO; Dieterich, M

Spatial neglect--a vestibular disorder?

Brain. Bd. 129. H. Pt 2. 2006 S. 293-305

Birklein, F; Schattschneider, J

Sympathetically maintained pain and inflammation: human experimentation.

Encyclopedic reference of Pain. Springer 2006

Birklein, F; Maihofner, C

Use your imagination: training the brain and not the body to improve chronic pain and restore function

Neurology. Bd. 67. H. 12. 2006 S. 2115-6

Kirchner, A; Stefan, H; Bastian, K et al.

Vagus nerve stimulation suppresses pain but has limited effects on neurogenic inflammation in humans.

Eur J Pain. Bd. 10. H. 5. 2006 S. 449-55

Thömke, F; Gawehn, J

Vascular third nerve compression - a possible cause of episodic vertical diplopia?

Neuro-Ophthalmology. Bd. 30. 2006 S. 125-127