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The CAPOS mutation in ATP1A3 alters Na/K-ATPase function and results in auditory neuropathy which has implications for management

HUMAN GENETICS. Bd. 137. H. 2. 2018 S. 111-127

Erscheinungsjahr: 2018

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Tranebjaerg, Lisbeth (Autor)
Strenzke, Nicola (Autor)
Lindholm, Sture (Autor)
Rendtorff, Nanna D. (Autor)
Poulsen, Hanne (Autor)
Khandelia, Himanshu (Autor)
Kopec, Wojciech (Autor)
Lyngbye, Troels J. Brunnich (Autor)
Hamel, Christian (Autor)
Delettre, Cecile (Autor)
Bocquet, Beatrice (Autor)
Bille, Michael (Autor)
Owen, Hanne H. (Autor)
Bek, Toke (Autor)
Jensen, Hanne (Autor)
Ostergaard, Karen (Autor)
Moller, Claes (Autor)
Luxon, Linda (Autor)
Carr, Lucinda (Autor)
Wilson, Louise (Autor)
Rajput, Kaukab (Autor)
Sirimanna, Tony (Autor)
Harrop-Griffiths, Katherine (Autor)
Rahman, Shamima (Autor)
Vona, Barbara (Autor)
Doll, Julia (Autor)
Haaf, Thomas (Autor)
Bartsch, Oliver (Autor)
Rosewich, Hendrik (Autor)
Moser, Tobias (Autor)
Bitner-Glindzicz, Maria (Autor)


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