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Zentrum für Kardiologie

Klinikum / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Reinerth, G; Konradi, D; Rupprecht, HJ et al.

Revascularisation of a giant coronary artery aneurysm in suspected incomplete Kawasaki-disease.

Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Bd. 54. H. 5. 2006 S. 358-359

Lauterbach, M; Horstick, G; Plum, N et al.

Shunting of the microcirculation after mesenteric ischemia and reperfusion is a function of ischemia time and increases mortality.

Microcirculation. Bd. 13. H. 5. 2006 S. 411-22

Schnabel, R; Messow, CM; Lubos, E et al.

Soluble FLT-1 as an early diagnostic marker in acute coronary syndromes: Results from the AtheroGene Study

Circulation. Bd. 114. H. 18. 2006 S. 421 Suppl S

Genth-Zotz, S; von Haehling, S; Bolger, AP et al.

The anti-CD14 antibody IC14 suppresses ex vivo endotoxin stimulated tumor necrosis factor-alpha in patients with chronic heart failure.

Eur J Heart Fail. Bd. 8. H. 4. 2006 S. 366-72

Blankenberg, S; Yusuf, S

The inflammatory hypothesis: any progress in risk stratification and therapeutic targets?

Circulation. Bd. 114. H. 15. 2006 S. 1557-60

Savvidis, S; Scharnbacher, J; Münzel, T et al.

Traumatische Digitalarterienverschlüsse, gleiche Symptomatik bei unterschiedlicher Genese

Vasa-J Vascular Dis. Bd. 35. H. 69. 2006 S. 80-81

Schmiedt, W; Dorweiler, B; Reinstadler, J et al.

Versagen von PTA und Stenttherapie in der popliteo-crurale Region - Extremitätenerhalt durch femorodistale Bypasschirurgie

Gefäßchirurgie. Bd. 11. 2006 S. 271-80