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Local blockade of IL-6R signaling induces lung CD4+ T cell apoptosis in a murine model of asthma via regulatory T cells.

Int Immunol. Bd. 19. H. 6. 2007 S. 685-93

Erscheinungsjahr: 2007

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Finotto, S (Autor)
Eigenbrod, T (Autor)
Karwot, R (Autor)
Boross, I (Autor)
Doganci, A (Autor)
Ito, H (Autor)
Nishimoto, N (Autor)
Yoshizaki, K (Autor)
Kishimoto, T (Autor)
Rose-John, S (Autor)
Galle, PR (Autor)
Neurath, MF (Autor)


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