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Klinik und Poliklinik für Nuklearmedizin

Klinikum / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Miederer, Isabelle; Shi, Kuangyu; Wendler, Thomas

AI in Nuclear Medicine - a review of the current situation


Scheit, Lorenz; End, Barbara; Schroeder, Jan et al.

BMI Alterations and Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Related to Service Duration at the German Armed Forces

HEALTHCARE. Bd. 11. H. 2. 2023

Miederer, Isabelle; Schmitt, Ulrich; Bausbacher, Nicole et al.

Chronic Administration of Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol Alters Brain Glucose Uptake and Improves Waiting Impulsivity in the Rat


Hoppner, Jorge; van Genabith, Levin; Hielscher, Thomas et al.

Comparison of early and late <SUP>68</SUP>Ga-FAPI-46-PET in 33 patients with possible recurrence of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. Bd. 13. H. 1. 2023

Koehler, Christine; Sauter, Paul F.; Klasen, Benedikt et al.

Genetic Code Expansion for Site-Specific Labeling of Antibodies with Radioisotopes

ACS CHEMICAL BIOLOGY. Bd. 18. H. 3. 2023 S. 443-448

Koerber, Stefan A.; Roehrich, Manuel; Walkenbach, Leon et al.

Impact of 68Ga-FAPI PET/CT on Staging and Oncologic Management in a Cohort of 226 Patients with Various Cancers

JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE. Bd. 64. H. 11. 2023 S. 1712-1720

Velollari, Ornela; Reinhardt, Christian Malte; Knorr, Maike et al.

Late-Onset Prosthetic Endocarditis with Paraaortic Abscess Caused by Cutibacterium acnes

INFECTIOUS DISEASE REPORTS. Bd. 15. H. 5. 2023 S. 635-641

Brose, Alexander; Michalski, Kerstin; Ruf, Juri et al.

PET/CT reading for relapse in non-small cell lung cancer after chemoradiotherapy in the PET-Plan trial cohort

CANCER IMAGING. Bd. 23. H. 1. 2023

Sigle, August; Borkowetz, Angelika; von Hardenberg, Jost et al.

Prediction of Significant Prostate Cancer in Equivocal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Lesions: A High-volume International Multicenter Study

EUROPEAN UROLOGY FOCUS. Bd. 9. H. 4. 2023 S. 606-613