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Evaluation of the efficacy and effectiveness of a structured disorder tailored psychotherapy in ADHD in adults: study protocol of a randomized controlled multicentre trial

Atten Defic Hyperact Disord. Bd. 2. H. 4. 2010 S. 203-212

Erscheinungsjahr: 2010

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Philipsen, A (Autor)
Graf, E (Autor)
Tebartz van Elst, L (Autor)
Jans, T (Autor)
Warnke, A (Autor)
Hesslinger, B (Autor)
Ebert, D (Autor)
Gerlach, M (Autor)
Matthies, S (Autor)
Colla, M (Autor)
Jacob, C (Autor)
Sobanski, E (Autor)
Alm, B (Autor)
Rösler, M (Autor)
Ihorst, G (Autor)
Gross-Lesch, S (Autor)
Gentschow, L (Autor)
Kis, B (Autor)
Huss, M (Autor)
Lieb, K (Autor)
Schlander, M (Autor)
Berger, M (Autor)


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