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Abteilung Physik

Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften / Universität Koblenz

Universitätsstraße 1, 56070 Koblenz
  • +49-261/287-2330
  • +49-261/287-2331
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Paul, Wolfgang; Smith, G.D.; Yoon, D.Y. et al.

Chain Motion in an Unentangled Polyethylene Melt: A Critical Test of the Rouse Model by Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Neutron Spin Echo Spectroscopy

Physical Review Letters. Bd. 80. H. 11. College Park, MD: American Physical Society 1998 S. 2346 - 2349

Wehner, Stefan; Küppers, Jürgen

Interaction of gaseous D atoms with CH₃I adsorbed on Pt(111), H/Pt(111), and C/Pt(111) surfaces: From hot-atom to Eley-Rideal phenomenology

Journal of Chemical Physics. Bd. 109. H. 1. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics 1998 S. 294 - 300

Rosov, N.; Rathgeber, Silke; Monkenbusch, Michael

Neutron spin echo spectroscopy at the NIST Center for Neutron Research

Abstracts of Papers. Bd. 79. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society 1998 S. 328 - 329

Rathgeber, Silke; Willner, L.; Richter, D. et al.

Polymer dynamics in bimodal melts

Abstracts of Papers. Bd. 79. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society 1998 S. 328 - 329

Kammler, Thomas; Wehner, Stefan; Küppers, Jürgen

The role of sticking and reaction probabilities in hot-atom mediated abstraction reactions of D on metal surfaces by gaseous H atoms

Journal of Chemical Physics. Bd. 109. H. 10. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics 1998 S. 4071 - 4077

Wehner, Stefan; Küppers, Jürgen

Two consecutive Eley-Rideal reaction steps in a D atom/adsorbate interaction: from methylene iodide via methyl iodide to methane

Chemical Physics Letters. Bd. 288. H. 5-6. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1998 S. 873 - 878

Rathgeber, Silke; Zirkel, A.; Willner, L. et al.

Dynamics of bimodal polymer melts in the crossover-region from Rouse-to-reptation-like behaviour - A study with NSE-spectroscopy

Physica B: Condensed Matter. Bd. 234--236. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1997 S. 258 - 259

Kammler, Thomas; Wehner, Stefan; Küppers, Jürgen

Interaction of thermal H atoms with Ni(100)-H surfaces: through surface penetration and adsobed hydrogen abstraction

Surface Science. Bd. 339. H. 1-2. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1995 S. 125 - 134