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Spatiotemporal relations between water budget components and soil water content in a forested tributary catchment

Water Resources Research. Bd. 50. H. 6. American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2014 S. 4837 - 4857

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Deutsch

Doi/URN: 10.1002/2013wr014516

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We examined 3 years of measured daily values of all major water budget components (precipitation P, potential evapotranspiration PET, actual evapotranspiration ET, and runoff R) and volumetric soil water content h of a small, forested catchment located in the west of Germany. The spatial distribution of h was determined from a wireless sensor network of 109 points with 3 measurement depths each; ET was calculated from eddy-covariance tower measurements. The water budget was dominantly energy ...We examined 3 years of measured daily values of all major water budget components (precipitation P, potential evapotranspiration PET, actual evapotranspiration ET, and runoff R) and volumetric soil water content h of a small, forested catchment located in the west of Germany. The spatial distribution of h was determined from a wireless sensor network of 109 points with 3 measurement depths each; ET was calculated from eddy-covariance tower measurements. The water budget was dominantly energy limited, with ET amounting to approximately 90% of PET, and a runoff ratio R/P of 56%. P, ET, and R closed the long-term water budget with a residual of 2% of precipitation. On the daily time scale, the residual of the water budget was larger than on the annual time scale, and explained to a moderate extent by h (R250.40). Wavelet analysis revealed subweekly time scales, presumably dominated by unaccounted fast-turnover storage terms such as interception, as a major source of uncertainty in water balance closure. At weekly resolution, soil water content explained more than half (R250.62) of the residual. By means of combined empirical orthogonal function and cluster analysis, two slightly different spatial patterns of h could be identified that were associated with mean h values below and above 0.35 cm3/cm3, respectively. The timing of these patterns as well as the varying coherence between PET, ET, and soil water content responded to changes in water availability, including a moderate response to the European drought in spring 2011.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Graf, Alexander (Autor)
Bogena, Heye R. (Autor)
Drüe, Clemens (Autor)
Hardelauf, Horst (Autor)
Pütz, Thomas (Autor)
Vereecken, Harry (Autor)


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Atmosphären-, Meeres- und Klimaforschung

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