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The Construction Task: Validation of a distractor-free item format for the presentation of figural matrices

DIAGNOSTICA. Bd. 61. H. 1. 2015 S. 22 - 33

Erscheinungsjahr: 2015

ISBN/ISSN: 0012-1924

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Doi/URN: 10.1026/0012-1924/a000111

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Figural matrices are a common and well-proven item format used for intellectual assessment. While the construction of the item stems is well documented, only little is known about the construction of the distractors. This proves to be problematic since the distractors seem to influence the solution process of the testers. In this study, the psychometric properties of an item format called construction task were put to the test. Atotal of 338 subjects took a test composed of 40 item stems pres...Figural matrices are a common and well-proven item format used for intellectual assessment. While the construction of the item stems is well documented, only little is known about the construction of the distractors. This proves to be problematic since the distractors seem to influence the solution process of the testers. In this study, the psychometric properties of an item format called construction task were put to the test. Atotal of 338 subjects took a test composed of 40 item stems presented as construction tasks. Since the subjects had to generate the correct answer in a computerized testing environment, no distractors had to be constructed. The results indicate good psychometric properties of the test. The test items cover a variety of difficulty levels. They assess only one latent dimension but demonstrate good construct and criterion validity. Perspectives for the future development of the item format are discussed. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Becker, Nicolas (Autor)
Preckel, Franzis (Autor)
Raffel, Nathalie (Autor)
Spinath, Frank M. (Autor)

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