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Invigorating Event-driven Process Chains – Towards an integrated meta model for EPC standardization

Modellierung 2016 Workshopband. Karlsruhe. 2016 (LNI P-255)

Erscheinungsjahr: 2016

Publikationstyp: Diverses (Konferenzband)

Sprache: Deutsch



When deciding about appropriate modellingl anguages, thed egreeo fs tandardization often represents an important decisionc riterion. Although theE PC is commonlyusedf or process modellingi nt he last decades, thea bsence of an official standard leads more andm oret oi ts non-consideration. Ac oherent meta model is ap illar for thes pecification of processm odelling languages. Accordingly, this work builds theb asis for further standardization by providinga n integrated meta modelf or theE PC....When deciding about appropriate modellingl anguages, thed egreeo fs tandardization often represents an important decisionc riterion. Although theE PC is commonlyusedf or process modellingi nt he last decades, thea bsence of an official standard leads more andm oret oi ts non-consideration. Ac oherent meta model is ap illar for thes pecification of processm odelling languages. Accordingly, this work builds theb asis for further standardization by providinga n integrated meta modelf or theE PC.T he resultingm eta model therefores upports thei nvigoration of theEPC by impellingthe future standardization effort. 1M eta modelling as a key factor for EPC standardization In the area of business processmanagement, variousm odellinglanguageshaveemerged over time,e xemplaryt he Business ProcessM odellingL anguage or the Unified ModellingL anguage. In ordertofacilitate model exchange,t he communicationbetween model stakeholders andthe reductionoftransactioncosts,manyofthese languages have been standardisedb yr espective standard development organizations.S tandardization has been identified as relevant bothf or successful business processm odelling[ In09, RB10] andf or rather specialized criteria liker educingo utsourcing risks[ WW07]. Hence,s tandardizationc an be emphasized as pertinent to the designa nd choice of an adequate modellinglanguage in terms of graphical representation, syntax andsemantic. The event-driven processchain (EPC) represents a possible optionwhendecidingabout an appropriate modelling language. It is well recognisedinresearch as well as in practice [Aa99, DKK14, MA07, MN06]. However, in contrast to its maturity,the EPCstill lacks an official standard. Therefore, this papera imst oe stablish a basis forasuccessful EPC standardizationbyproviding an integrated EPCmeta model. In additiontoother relevant language components such as thes pecificationofa ne xchange format, a groundedm eta modeli savital pillar fors tandardization. In ordert oa ddress this issue, thep aper is structured as follows.S ection2i ntroducest heoretical background with special focuson» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • Meta Model
  • ASI
  • APER
  • Official Standard


Jannaber, Sven (Autor)
Karhof, Arne (Autor)
Thomas, Oliver (Autor)
Becker, Jörg (Autor)


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