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Allochthones, etabliertes Vorkommen der Rotbauchunke (Bombina bombina) im südöstlichen Westerwald (Hessen) und Bedrohung der lokalen Populationen der Gelbbauchunke (Bombina variegata) durch Hybridisierung

Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie. Bd. 26. 2019 S. 197 - 217

Erscheinungsjahr: 2019

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Deutsch



In the southeastern outskirts of the Westerwald (municipalities Dornburg, Elbtal and Hadamar, Hesse) well-known populations of the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) were investigated. The main focus was on a huge population that inhabits fish ponds near Hadamar-Niederzeuzheim. This population was found to encompass at least 1,500, possibly even more than 3,000 adult individuals, but to consist exclusively of fire-bellied toads (Bombina bombina) and fire-bellied-toad-like hybrids. It is ...In the southeastern outskirts of the Westerwald (municipalities Dornburg, Elbtal and Hadamar, Hesse) well-known populations of the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) were investigated. The main focus was on a huge population that inhabits fish ponds near Hadamar-Niederzeuzheim. This population was found to encompass at least 1,500, possibly even more than 3,000 adult individuals, but to consist exclusively of fire-bellied toads (Bombina bombina) and fire-bellied-toad-like hybrids. It is possible that the fire-bellied toads were introduced already about sixty years ago. We observed exclusively hybrids in two neighbouring locations as well. Also in a more distant population of yellow-bellied toads, we found an adolescent individual exhibiting characteristics of a hybrid. Our results reveal yellow-bellied toad populations in the vicinity of Dornburg and Hadamar, which have been considered of great importance, to consist in fact to a great extend of hybrids and thus to be highly threatened.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Reuter, Laura H. (Autor)
Münch, Alessa N. (Autor)
Dietewich, Leon E. (Autor)
Hantzschmann, Alena M. (Autor)


DDC Sachgruppe:
Tiere (Zoologie)

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